19 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe

ERROR [code=-1] compiling out of date JSP files


ERROR [code=-1] compiling out of date JSP files



bash-4.2$ ./adautocfg.sh

2)cd /data_appl/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin

bash-4.2$ perl ojspCompile.pl --compile --quiet

Installing 8626084 10.1.3 Application Server patch(error: writing to file)

Problem:We installed ebs 12.1.1 on IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit) version 6.1.Then started 
the 12.1.3 upgrade;when install 8626084 application server patch we get an error.
This error like below:

Our opmn.xml include 'data1/R12/ab/apps/XB9R1211/apps/tech_st/10.1.3'
But this isn't my ORACLE_HOME.There isn't like this home so upgrade installation
is failed.We created an SR,we gave all of logs.After 1 week one man from oracle
support advice a document.Documnet id is below,also error's screenshot and error logs.

The solution to this document( [ID 1086315.1]):

Solution:edit comps.xml file check all the failure ORACLE_HOME and replace real ORACLE_HOME,
then run adautocfg.sh.

Of course for all of them,firsly you set 10.1.3 env:)))

error blog include:
LPX-00202: could not open "/dbhome/data_appl/inst/apps/BRLPROD_burladb/ora/10.1.2/opmn/conf/opmn.xml" (error 200)
XML parse failed: error 202.

6 Temmuz 2012 Cuma

unzip command not found in AIX

I get this error when I want to extract unzip files

problem:unzip command not found

so you have to install aix unzip rpm

you can download this site:


After you downloaded rpm

su - root

change directory where rpm is  in there

solution:rpm -ivh unzip-5.51-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm

Then you can unzip .zip files.

good luck:)))