28 Ocak 2015 Çarşamba

ORA-15041: diskgroup "DG_NAME" space exhausted

In database version;

When you want to add new datafile in ASM or resize the datafile which in ASM,you may hit this  error that ORA-15041: diskgroup "DG_NAME" space exhausted.

If ASM diskgroup can't rebalance this issue is normal.You can check disk free space with query below:

select group_number,free_mb from v$asm_disk order by 1;

An ideal disk group rebalance and each of the asm disks contains same free_mb.If it isn't same you hit a bug:)


ORA-15041: diskgroup "DG_NAME" space exhausted

I hit an error diskgroup "DG_NAME" space exhausted.But I have free space on this diskgroup.

This is bug


alter system set "_asm_imbalance_tolerance"=0; 
alter diskgroup <DG_NAME> rebalance power 5; 

FREE_MB in Same Size Disks Differ Even After Successful Rebalance (Doc ID 813013.1)